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Mike Elgan, great job on TNT!

G+_David Foster

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Mike Elgan, great job on TNT! I would like You to give us more info about the course You are going. As far as I have seen, You are  excellent at giving insights about the tech news stories. It takes quite a time to tell a good story, but You want to make the show shorter. How are You going to balance quantity vs quality? Do you think the existing TNT audience needs many stories or few really good stories? Are You looking to satisfy the desire of those listeners who due to their curiosity want to hear everything (including minor news)?

Thanks for Your job! I wish You a success!

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I agree, I think the show will come together shortly. Today, found it a little quick with the news briefs, then conversation , then news in detail.


I personally prefer the detail, and seeing hosts discuss it back and forth.


I read the top picks being discussed on the Web and in the reddit already.

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