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So pants on fire

G+_George Kozi

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So... pants on fire...


Denise Howell :D


Originally shared by Eli Fennell


Florida Lawyer Has Literal 'Pants On Fire' Moment In Arson Trial


A Miami, Florida Lawyer, Stephen Gutierrez, became a walking cliché when, while defending his client in an arson trial, his pants caught on fire.


The incident was apparently caused by a malfunctioning eCigarette in the Attorney's pants pocket, and was not a clever bit of intentional courtroom theatrics. Perhaps most ironically, his defense was that his client's car spontaneously combusted, and was not deliberately set on fire.


It's too bad for Mister Gutierrez and his client that he can't offer up this incident as Defense Exhibit A.


#OnlyInFlorida #FloridaMan


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