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Is it possible to travel across the world for FREE using nothing but Google+ and a whole lot of ...


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Originally shared by Michael Lee Johnson


Is it possible to travel across the world for FREE using nothing but Google+  and a whole lot of hugs? -- All whilst raising crazy amounts of money for UNICEF UK,  having fun and bringing my dream to life and letting the whole world dream with me?


Over the course of the next 3 years, I am going to be walking from Beijing to London, whilst doing live Google+ hangouts from one side of the world to the other and recording a documentary about my use of Google+ over the entire duration. 


On Friday July 26th, I was going to be boarding a flight to Hong Kong with the intention of heading up to Beijing on the train, and then I had an idea...


Why not make this journey a little more interesting. Why not make it more about you, and less about me. Inviting you into my journey. Inviting you to take part. And instead of getting on a flight direct to Hong Kong, why not ditch this plane ticket and social-travel all the way (in 21 days or less) using nothing but Google+ and the goodwill of this community... Allowing me to showcase that within my documentary and to the rest of the world...And then walk the entire 15,000km back home (as scheduled) doing live Google+ hangouts.


How will this work?


I am going to attempt to rely solely on my Google+ connections to get me from England to Hong Kong. (Whilst raising money for UNICEF  and proving to the mainstream media that Google+ isn’t a ghost-town and is the best social network on the planet). Who’s with me?


In 21 days from Friday 26th, I would like to be in Hong Kong to continue with my journey according to plan... And I need your help. Without YOU this will not work.


I will be arrive in London on Wednesday night. If someone could put me up for the night (or possibly even 2), it would be greatly appreciated. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a couch or a floor in your hallway. Anything will do. And if you could drive me to Google, UK (or if someone else with a car could) that would be great too. If not, I will just get up early and walk.


I am in Widnes, Cheshire right now, in between Manchester and Liverpool, England. I have lunch with Google, UK over in London on Thursday at 1pm. After lunch I am going to be hanging out with Google Creative Labs in New York until about 3pm. At 4pm I have a meeting with a girl from Propeller TV  (Sky T.V channel 189) regarding my walk from Beijing to London, and then after that... My Google+ #microadventure to Hong Kong will begin. 


How can you help?


If you could put me up for the night, drive me somewhere or provide me with a rail or ferry ticket, food, water or possibly even a cup of tea - at one point across my route. It would be greatly appreciated. 


I plan on leaving the UK on Friday (somehow). Probably on the train, coach or ferry. Can you help me get across the water from Folkestone, Kent, to Calais, France? Or maybe even a little further? Or maybe you’re driving from London to Kent on Thursday night or Friday morning?


Can you help me get from France to Switzerland, or at least half way? Can you put me up for the night in Paris or anywhere else in France for that matter? Can you get me from Switzerland to Italy, or put me up for the night at one point of the distance? Can you help get me from Italy to Croatia, Albania or even Greece? Can you help me get from Greece to Bulgaria or Turkey? Can you help me get from Turkey to India, or possibly from India to Nepal and then to Hong Kong?


Anything you can do to help would be genuinely appreciated... And if you can’t help me, maybe someone in your circles can...


The Route













Hong kong


If you can help me travel, eat, drink or sleep throughout any of the areas across my route, you will be featured within my documentary and forever a friend. 


The Rules?


I only have 3 rules to follow during my Google+ Adventure to Hong Kong.


1: I can only accept offers of food, water, travel or accommodation from people on Google+. 

2: I can not accept money from you

3: I can not board a plane until I atleast get to India. I want this experience to be as culturally diverse as possible so I can broadcast it live on Google+ at various points of my destination.



The idea sounded a little crazy at first. I mean, who the hell was going to help me? I am nobody. At least nobody important anyway, and according to many journalists, Google+ is a ghost town. A platform that nobody uses and nobody cares about. By their viewpoint, this question would probably be ridiculous to ask, because nobody would answer. Nobody would see it. But I think they’re wrong. And this is my attempt to prove it.


What will happen if I don’t make it to Hong Kong in 21 days?


Nothing. I will just jump on a flight from wherever I am, and then head up to Beijing and begin my journey across the world as planned.


How am I raising money for unicef?


Online. Checkout my fundraising page here (http://fundraise.unicef.org.uk/MyPage/OnFootToFreedom) and don’t forget to donate. 


UNICEF is the world's leading organisation for children, working in over 190 countries. Theydo whatever it takes to make a lasting difference to children's lives. In everything they do, the most disadvantaged children are their priority.


During my entire 3 year walk I am going to attempt to raise 1 Million GBP. I think it’s possible.


Why am I doing this?


Because I want to bring you all into my journey and experience what I experience and see what I see. All whilst doing some good for the world. -- And proving to the press Google+ is not a ghost town (and possibly converting a few hundred thousand Facebook users into avid Google+ fans).


Ever since I was younger, I wanted to do something special. Real special. Some people go backpacking across Europe or travel the American West by train. Other people head to Australia or Bangkok, and sometimes even Spain. I ended up doing what most people do – going to school, getting a job, and getting stuck in life. A life that I didn’t like, but became accustomed to. It was a good job, it paid the bills, but I felt like I would have to give up my dream of an incredible journey – my childhood dream. I was actually getting to where I was OK with it. Where I was ready to give up on my dream and not follow through. Lots of people have to give up their dreams and settle for the life they fall into. A job they don’t like, but do anyway. – No longer could I do that.


I quit my job 13 months ago to train my arse off to follow my dream and walk across the world.


I think by socially-traveling my way to Hong Kong using Google+, my entire journey will go down in history and I will be able to raise my target of 1 Million over the entire duration of my journey for Unicef. - Not to mention showcase how amazing the Google+ platform and people are to the world.



What am I going to be doing during this 21 Google+ #microadventure?


I will mainly be filming and taking photographs. Interviewing the people that have helped me. Hangout parties and live on air broadcasts. Engaging with my audience, meeting new people, taking on new cultures and generally having fun whilst raising money for Unicef.


What if nobody decides to help me?


If nobody on Google+ decides to help me with this endeavour, I will continue as planned and board a flight to Hong Kong on Friday 27th.


How will this change my live on air event schedule?


Completely (at least until I arrive in Hong Kong). But I will still be doing my first live on air show on Saturday 27th from wherever I am in the world at that point in time. ( I will probably be in France). I will post programme updates to the event page here -> https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c3sn05pr4k1mrklihnc9r66mbus - Don’t forget to tune in! 


Do you think this crazy idea is even possible or am I just nuts? Can you help me? share this post with your circles and let’s make history! Help me prove to the press that Google+ is not a ghost-town and let’s raise a crazy amount of money for Unicef UK.

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