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Who knew that maker spaces were discriminatory

G+_Robert Hafer

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I don't think makerspaces are a waste of money by any means, and mansplaining is unfortunate. But I do think that 90+% of government funded studies are. They spend a lot of time and money and generally do not return useful data conmensurate to the amount spent. Thus, a waste of money.


~just one man's opinion Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ cheers

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Harry Maciolek The government ISN'T broke... That's a narrative from political figures who like to prey on people's fears.

As for the study: Do you know how much good has come from government studies? Sure, some of them SOUND strange (like the proposal to spend millions of dollars to look at sunspots), but some of them end up being REALLY important. (like the aforementioned study of sunspots, which stopped WWIII from happening back in the 60's)

To take the advantages of such studies while demonizing the ones you think are useless is akin to proclaiming that only YOU know what is worth studying... or worse, is saying: "I don't mind spending money on government studies, but only the ones that will eventually turn out to be useful" (Which, of course, you can't know until the study is done and disseminated.)

As a geek... I'm all for knowledge. Sorry...

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