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Am I the only one that found this exchange to be unacceptable?

G+_Rod Hardy

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Dennis Mix I don't see how derailing a productive conversation - by talking over people, insulting guests, ignoring the factual narrative in favour of contrarianism - shows up listeners as pompous or self important dim bulbs. Please explain in more detail how his trolling exposes our frail intellects.?

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Leo Laporte  in particular and often his guests are unprepared for TWiT . Leo clearly didn't read news feeds for days given his G+ comments. His FCC opinion is not deeply thought out (get Adam Curry). JCD rambles off the cuff as he does on No Agenda. Overall, the host needs to drive a good show and Leo appears to be coasting with success. Love TWiT but get back to work Leo.

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Actually I tend to agree with Gordon Smith, perhaps not as strongly but I tend to think twit is better without him. I do remember shouting "shut up man" as I was listening once and someone was making excellent points which he talked over until he managed send the conversation down a rabbit hole (as they say).

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The comments are educating me. I really did not know of the dislike of John Dvorak. I can understand why. But I respect John is Leo's friend. And I don't feel comfortable telling Leo who he can and not have on his show.


However Leo's professional ism has deteriated a bit over the last several weeks on the tech stories he reports on.

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Agree that the particular exchange between Leo, John, and Natalie about Apple events was awkward and made me roll my eyes. However, I enjoy shows with John. He plays the curmudgeon well, and there's good chemistry between him and Leo. I've been listening to TWiT since it was "Revenge of the Screen Savers" and John has always been that way. At first I found him a little grating, but I've grown to look forward to the shows he's on.

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I was going to make a post about this.  I couldn't finish TWIT this week because of two things.  First, the misogynistic undertones really bother me.  Leo, JCD, I'm pointing at you two.  Stop being creepy old pervs. You bring these women on your show and then totally devalue their. opinions by objectifying them.  It's pretty bad.  Second, Leo in particular was completely stepping on Denise and Natali.  I was really looking forward to hearing what Denise had to say about the FCC ruling, and she really didn't even get to say anything because every time she'd start to talk Leo would completely step on her.  I realize he was pretty revved up about the topic but it was absolutely maddening.  

TL;DR 1) Respect women/don't be creepy  2) Leo, be the host and do some moderating, especially on yourself.

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I'm halfway through the episode. My view is that Dvorak and Leo are two old wind up merchants. They expertly jumped from one topic to another to push Natali's button. From code babes to her getting supported by her husband's name. They knew pretty well her sensitive points.


Highly risky for Leo. Perhaps he wants to ease a little on the nature box. All started after that ad.

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Love John. But I do think it's interesting after the "40 Hottest" blow-up that there are still subtle innuendo's and such coming from TWiT. It doesn't betray "sexism" but rather betrays a basic human fact: this is kinda the way men think. You cap it as much as possible but these things happen and often, most often, in jest.

You don't have a right to not be offended. And frankly, if this is offensive you probably need to grow up.

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Joseph Polk I respectfully disagree.  Double entendre and such are subtle but sexist.  There have been many times where you can really tell the female guest is uncomfortable from comments made.  So at the very, very least it's disrespectful, but it usually becomes much more than that.


I also think that mitigating it by saying it's just the way men think is wrong as well.  Just because a man think's something doesn't mean it's right for him to actually speak it. And speaking for myself at least, if I do have a moment where something like that pops into my head, I'm pretty quick to reflect on it, realize it's not cool, squash it, and move on.  I think that the fact that there are many, many comments from men that agree with this post kind of backs that up.

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Brad Ker Perhaps I excused it and I don't mean to say that its something that should go on and on. It's going to happen. And I've seen it go both ways as well. I just don't think anything Leo has done rises to the point of being particularly offensive. It's a little amusing, in a way, given how anemic Leo tries to be politically and culturally, to see him be like this. 

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This is an interesting conversation; however I just looked at the G+ and Twitter feeds of the people on the show last Sunday, and there is no mention of any hurt feelings or offense.  Perhaps this is because they are all professionals and want to keep it private.  It's also possible that there was actually no offense taken.  These people all know each other and are friends.   While I would never make off the cuff remarks such as some which were made on the last TWiT to a stranger, I do have female colleagues at work who are my friends that I would make a "sexist" remark to in jest.  They know me, and know I have the utmost respect for them, and that I'm kidding.  They always snap back with some remark about my limited intelligence or questionable parentage.  Perhaps we are imposing our own discomfort where none was felt between the people actually involved?  As Joseph Polk said, "We don't have the right to not be offended."  So if we are offended, but the women involved were not, then no harm no foul.  That being said, I hope that if either Natali or Denise were actually upset, John and Leo would be men enough to sincerely apologize.

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