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Am I the only one that found this exchange to be unacceptable?

G+_Rod Hardy

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Here is what I see after watching the show and the parts in question several times.

I saw people both the ladies and the guys arguing subjects they have argued with as friends and colleagues several times. In a friendly manner not a confrontational one. Repeat not in a confrontational manner.  And the ladies gave back as good as they got. Did you guys not hear what was said by both sides during the 'code babes" story? Leo was in agreement with Natalie about how sexist the whole thing was. Do you not bring that up because it dosen't support your arguement? Or because you only listen to Twit shows for fodder against guests and hosts you have personal problems with?

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Gordon Smith


Your still reading what you want into it. It is right to oppose sexism, but if you swing so far over to not even being able to joke with your friends. Then your following the same principle as sexism. or any ism.

My best friend and I joke all the time, but there is nothing sexual between us, am I wrong to joke with her? Do I let her make jokes about males but never say anything back?

If I do something like that then it is being mean and sexist on her part?


In some place you have to draw a line and say "okay, we can joke about this, if the both parties are okay. But if one of us says something the other finds offensive then we talk about it."

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Daniel Brewer


Do you really think that the jokes my friend and I make are in a vacuum?

There have been and will be people around us and she is not the only friend I make jokes with.


But by your argument the only difference between Leo, Natale and my friend and I is the number of people who might overhear or see the joke. Sorry but that is like saying: The only reasojn i don't think your  joke with your friend is sexist is because your not important enough.

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Gordon Smith


But ask yourself this please. If she is not screaming or even mentioning that she found it offensive.. do we have to instantly leap to her defense like she can't take care of herself? If they were being physcially abusive or really abusive I can see stepping in. But if we step in on every little thing we perceive to be a slight, then it becomes 'the boy who cried wolf' and no one will be paying attention when someone really needs help.

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Love him or hate him, Dvorak is obviously a polarizing personality.  I've found some other recent TWiT episodes to be rather dull without John though.  When everyone just says, "Yes yes I agree," and moves on to the next topic it doesn't really make for a good discussion.  Yes, maybe John should watch his mouth (Leo too) when there are female guests on the show, but I really think the chemistry he and Leo have adds something to the show.

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My opinion: JCD is probably the worst guest on the TWiT network. I used to like him but it seems he has become more rude over the years and it's tough to listen to a show where he is constantly interrupting other guest, talking over them when they are talking and stating completely rude comments to the other guest.

From this point forward I will no longer download and listen to any episode of TWiT that has JCD as a guest. I realize that this will not do anything about getting him removed from the show. In fact, JCD will never be removed from the show until other guest like Natali Morris Clayton Morris Brian Brushwood and others start a movement to refuse to be on the show if JCD is there. 

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