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If you receive an official looking piece of mail that states on the outside

G+_George Kozi

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If you receive an official looking piece of mail that states on the outside.


"Travel Check Voucher Enclosed"

"Final Notice"


...And then you open it.


It reads,


"Pay to the order of:

American TAD on the behalf of [You name goes here without the brackets]


Then it states the amount, in this case, I am reading mine,


One Thousand One Hundred Night Eight and 00/100.


Has a laser printed authorization signature on it that reads, "Madeline Jay".


Ladies, gentlemen and kids, this is a scam, don't fall for this kind of stuff.


When they mention "Pay to the Order of:" and then say "on the behalf of [Your name]", if you were to sign and deposit this in your account, you are authorizing this person or group to take $1,198.00 from your account for no good reason at all, other than somebody's own greed or stupidity. Please, do report this to the FTC if you receive one of these letters.




It's an "airline ticket" scam. It originates in Scotsdale, Arizona somewhere.


#scams #travelunion #AmericanTADscam



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