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Even after buying stuff from them for years, even after them watching me buying stuff from them f...

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


Even after buying stuff from them for years, even after them watching me buying stuff from them for years, Amazon still has trouble figuring out that I'm a guy, I don't wear dresses, high heel boots or pearl earrings.


Here's a crazy idea Amazon.com  , Ask Google  to tell you about me. They know what ads to show me.  

So, mr Amazon, pick up the phone and ask Miss Google out for lunch .

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Joshua Burgess Sure (I was actually buying my second card - the first I had purchased a year prior from Newegg), but that doesn't make the recommendation any less silly.


I also bought a set of 7.1 speakers from Amazon. It took a manual edit of my purchase history to get them to stop recommending speakers to me. Because that's what people who just bought speakers need.

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