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A WiFi no-brainer

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


A WiFi no-brainer


My ISP is doing something that I like. If you are a client of theirs, you can use wifi for any device not only at home, but all over the place, at no extra cost .


We all get a router for our home wifi when we connect to Ziggo's network. But here's the thing: these routers support not one, but two completely separate networks .


One is private for use at home, and another one is "public" for the ISP's clients. So ... you can log on all over the place and use wifi, wherever there is a Ziggo modem within reach. This particular ISP is quite big for Dutch standards, so the coverage is good.


It seems a no brainer, doesn't it? If you are gonna put routers all over the place in people's homes, you are in effect building a network all over the country, so why not also put a common, free access for all your clients everywhere?


This may not be something new, but it is for us, and as I said, I like it.


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