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I 'm getting more and more bewildered about this chorus of experts singing "the desktop is dead...

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


I'm getting more and more bewildered about this chorus of experts singing "the desktop is dead" at their own festival.


Right now, I sit at my desk, in front of my big computer display, and I'm watching TWIT. Later, I may log in to an online MMO and play a grownups game. To do that, I need a grownup keyboard and a real computer mouse.


I don't feel any need to own a tablet. My TV (soon to be given a Chromecast), my basic mobile phone, and my desktop computer are all that I need. Oh yeah... sometimes I also fire up my e-ink ereader...


As for touchscreens... I feel no need for them either. They are OK on phones and tablets, but make no sense on a Desktops or TV's. So no, the desktop isn't dead, no matter how loud the funeral music plays.

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I don't think the desktop is dead either. There are some things that are just better on a desktop. When working on office work you are more productive on a desktop. A real keyboard and real Mouse make a world of difference and sometimes you need the power of a desktop, yes phones and tablets are getting more powerful but so are desktops which where, are and will be more powerful. Tablets and phones are and will be a desktop replacement for a lot of regular consumers but there will always be professionals and power user that will require a desktop.

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The desktop isn't dead, but it's dying.  Their statements are just premature.  They made the same mistake with photography, declaring "film is dead" well before it was actually true.  It is true now, but it wasn't quite so then.

The same thing will happen with desktop PC's.  5, maybe 10 year.  Tops.

Also, this:

"I may log in to an online MMO and play a grownups game"

is pure LOL.

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