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yeah "the desktop is dead " my foot

G+_George Kozi

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I'm not sure what I am looking at in the picture. Or we could look at the 90 user sample and compare it to:




Most people understand that the desktop has it's uses especially where multiple windows/programs are needed. I don't think web browsing is one of the uses that define desktop computing.

Again, I am not saying the desktop isn't useful - I have a Win7 machine, and iPad1 and no smartphone, so I am primarily a desktop user. However, I see a trend towards mobile computing.


P.S. I searched for monthly mobile users and these were the first few results. It's not meant to be definitive.

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I definitely use my desktop more often than my tablet. 


Personally, I find the tablet useful for quick, objective-oriented internet use.  Say I want to find out how badly the Leafs lost the last game, or what movies are playing tonight, or what the difference is between a rook and a raven.


For anything more lengthy, like reading full articles or commenting on stuff, I far prefer the bigger screen and the keyboard / mouse to a touchscreen and virtual keyboard.


Just my 2 cents.

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