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Synthgas (synthetic kerosene) produced from co2 and water!

G+_George Kozi

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Synthgas (synthetic kerosene) produced from co2 and water!


Mike Elgan 



Originally shared by European Commission


From sunlight to jet fuel: EU project makes first "solar" kerosene

An EU-funded research project called SOLAR-JET has produced the world's first "solar" jet fuel from water and carbon dioxide (CO2).


Researchers have for the first time successfully demonstrated the entire production chain for renewable kerosene, using concentrated light as a high-temperature energy source. The results give hope that in future any liquid hydrocarbon fuels could be produced from sunlight, CO2 and water.


We might one day produce cleaner and plentiful fuel for planes, cars and other forms of transport. This could greatly increase energy security and turn one of the main greenhouse gases responsible for global warming into a useful resource.


More info http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-481_en.htm?locale=en


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Gif from SolarJet project video

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