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I 'm at home

G+_George Kozi

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I think the point of the Post-PC era was the move away from a desktop PC (or indeed a laptop) to perform the tasks most users need. The trend of users has been away from work and to, basically, web-based usage - e-mail, FB, Netflix, messengers etc. People are performing these tasks on smartphones and tablets.


George Kozi  had an example of how he has a PC and therefore we are not in a post-PC era, which is a ridiculous argument. Again the trend is towards more mobile devices, and includes examples that CAN'T be performed on a big screen PC.


There will be examples where a PC performs the task better, again, this doesn't mean most people need or want a PC. With the use of cloud based computing these examples are becoming more scarce. 


There are a couple of things that need to be defined. For example,

Smartphones and tablets are powerful computing devices, they essentially perform computing functions but are only differentiated by form factor. If we define these as computers the argument becomes moot.

Post-PC doesn't mean No-PCs, as mentioned PCs have their uses.

We need to understand what is driving sales figures. If we say PC sales figures are down, well, iPad sales figures are also down. This is partly due to the longevity of equipment nowadays. Not necessarily because people aren't using the equipment.


So, I think it is unfair to call it a fallacy.

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