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Quick question: Given that everybody is waiting for Apple to come out with a watch, what would be...

G+_George Kozi

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Quick question: Given that everybody is waiting for Apple to come out with a watch, what would be the value of the Apple watch, without Google Now?


N.B. this is a serious question. Everybody that has a watch thingy now, quickly ends up talking about Google Now and what it delivers to the wrist.

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I'm an apple fan at heart (slowly being converted). Google now is the most impressive thing done in the mobile space since the iPhone. Apple will have to copy or innovate in a way never seen to keep up. I went on a traveling vacation and saw google now in action everyday with highlights if locations updated weather and parking, local transit help. Was awesome.

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You're forgetting the demographics. Most people are going to buy the Apple watch because it's Apple.


Pundits are already asserting the iWatch is better than the Android wear watches even though it doesn't exist.


The Apple watch merely needs to have an Apple logo and it'll be heralded as the best thing since slice bread by the heavily biased tech media.


The Gilmore Gang podcast, for example, has already declared victory for the mythical iWatch.

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It's definitely a good question, George Kozi .  They don't (as far as we know!) have the data for a Google-now type service. And that is the killer feature of Android Wear. Relevant information at the appropriate time and place.


Roderick Omari   For health related features, i would expect the watch to gather info, not display it. And given the health-related rumors that have been surfacing, that may be where their focus will be.


Eng. Jorge Santana Well, there will be apple fans who buy an apple watch regardless of what it does or doesn't do. The question is, can they have a significant "wow" feature? Health monitoring really isn't "wow", IMHO. That's been done for years, with increasingly shrinking tech. If it is accurate enough to actually be used as a medical device, that would be somewhat Wow - they have to go through the FDA approval process for that. and the real "wow" would be keeping all that under wraps if a fall release was planned. If it isn't that, then it's just  a novelty feature. 


So what else could it do? Take photos? Control music? Allow you to dictate texts? Place calls? All done by one or more of the current crop of smart watches. 

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