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I 'll just put this here, and quickly back off to safety

G+_George Kozi

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Have to say I agree. I'm not crazy about Samsung phones in some respects, but their apparent determination to retain a removable battery in their designs has kept me buying their phones.  I was in the market for a new phone when the M8 released, but went with a Note 3 in part because of its removable battery. My son also chose a GS5 over an M8 largely because of this.


As an aside, LG apparently noticed the appeal of this feature as I think they added it back to the G3 after making the G2 a sealed design.

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Eric Shoe Your statement doesn't take into account the variety of user requirements for battery life. A phone designed with sufficient battery capacity for the most power-hungry users might be unappealingly bulky and heavy for most users. Designing a phone with replaceable batteries gets around this issue.

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