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A tech of a different kind

G+_George Kozi

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A tech of a different kind.


Sometimes, people who work with technology may have a feeling that because they can write code, put together a computer, or make it do stuff, they are the kings of the tech castle. Justifiable feeling, but deceptive.


The human mind explores what if's all the time, and in that exploration, it ends up making new stuff, new technology. Or in the case of the thing depicted below, new artistic technology.


That Yaybahar thing is simultaneously a very simple, and very sophisticated thing. A new instrument never before seen by any human... a spring, a membrane, a wooden frame...


The mind of the guy that came up with it is the mind of a technologist. His heart is that of an artist. And his achievement is no less impressive than making the next generation computer chip.


Mike Elgan 


Originally shared by George Kozi


Listen to this, (the first minute or two is about demonstrating the possibilities, the music comes after that.

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