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When you got a mini geek to deal with

G+_George Kozi

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When you got a mini geek to deal with...


Originally shared by Brian Tomlinson (DarthLukan)


My youngest daughter managed to get herself banned from a Minecraft server a few months ago, and warned on another due to abusive language.  I asked what sparked it (she owned up to it) and this was my initial reaction (not outwardly, but inwardly).


Then I got to thinking, because I perform random checks on each of the kid's systems as part of maintenance and "overwatch", "How the F**K did she manage to hide those servers from me in the first place?" I mean, I am down-right neurotic about log checking and verifying all IPs/sites requested from our network and I didn't see those servers in any logs...


I'm not sure whether to be upset or proud at this point.


Freaking 10 year olds... ;P

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