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Originally shared by null n n

G+_George Kozi

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Actually, this is a somewhat effective parental negotiation.  It is the digital equivalent of "grounding" the child.


Of course with all threats, their impact becomes limited over time, or if they are used too often (usually without alternative strategies).  In most households who use WiFi there is usually only one person who administrates the network.  So this is a powerful point of compromise.

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Do your chores is a much better approach.


I also enjoyed that the confrontation is visualized at the dinner table - where most youthful rebellions begin.


My wife and I had a rule where we would wage no battles with children over food.  If they did not eat it, they went without.  Fortunately we have not had battles with children at dinner.  They like everything.


But the parenting options are getting slim when kids have so many other distractions and there is a tendency to choose not to follow orders from parents (or other authorities).

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