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this, should worry us

G+_George Kozi

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If the museum was smart, a interactive visit  asking them to find information using their smartphones would be something.

To let them the day at the museum without any goal, of course they would be all day looking at their phone. 20 years ago it wouldn't had been any better, they would just be sitting talking to each other.

The positive is that they are more quiet today.

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This reminds me of how people complain about how these days in trains everyone just stares at their phone. They have some romantic version of train rides from the past where everyone had some deep conversations. In reality though everyone had their face in the newspaper or mindlessly stared out the window. Same thing here. Past generations would look at the painting, say "Oh that's nice", and then start chit chatting or chasing each other around the place.

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As a friend who's been to that museum pointed out; The museum does have an app to use while you tour it. So the students are most likely doing research...


Pics like these need more context, also the youth of today are no worse off then when my generation was vilified by magazines such as Time.

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