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Guess what

G+_George Kozi

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Guess what... I had it for a few short hours, but I simply love my Lumia 650. I'm familiar with Windows 10 on my desktop, and that means that there are no WTF's on Windows 10 running on my phone. I just know where stuff is... it's all familiar.


I also keep discovering little bonus things that will prove very useful. For example, I can download the maps for the entire country (and I did) which means that I can do all the navigation I want (gps+maps) without using any data! Plus... unlocked... removable battery... dual sim... expandable storage by a gazillion... the live tiles look chic...

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Realistically, I'm using about ten, maybe twenty apps at the max. That covers everything I want and need to do. The app stores are filled with piles and piles of trash. This unit of measurement that ranks platforms by the number of apps in the app store is ludicrous. I'd rather have an app store with let's say 1000 well written, well integrated, up to date, professional, paid apps in it, than a steaming mountain of caca.

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