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what are the reason why i should NOT buy an Ipad and go with a Note 2 ?

G+_Samantha Olendi

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I have the note 2. It's more of a replacement for a tablet that is about 7 inches. I still love the screen size but I've kind of gotten used to it. There are times that I wish I had a bigger screen to read content. I think instead of a 5.5 inch screen I would say the perfect phone size would be about 5 inches and use a second device like the nexus 7 or the new Samsung 8 inch tablet for reading.

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Felix it really comes down to a combo of points that can only be decided by yourself, as the end user.  What apps do you want to use? are you interested in using a stylus or not?  what is your budget when it comes to the purchase ? are you looking to purchase it for a internet terminal / ebook reader or do you want to use it for heavy productive work while having something that can be easy carry? 


if Flash is a major deciding point in the purchase, then at this time the Android powered tablet would likely be your better choice, however that being said, even Adobe discontinued development of mobile Flash at version 11.5 so anything moving forward will likely be along the lines of PepperFlash (which google bundles into it's chrome browsers)


I would say the best move is to get somewhere where you can go hands on with each tablet, ask questions, take along a notepad to scribble down points and go back and forth until each of the points that come up for you have been covered, when you reach that point then you will know the right tablet for yourself and good luck with the search

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Without knowing you, it's hard to say but... The Note is probably a good compromise between a smaller phone and a larger tablet, allowing you to have ONE gadget with a complete feature set (voice, data, gps) but one that you're more likely to be willing to take everywhere with you.


Whatever you decide - good luck.

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