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Is it possible to install the Twit app on Samsung devices (ie tv 's) based in the UK

G+_Michael Abernathy

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Is it possible to install the Twit app on Samsung devices (ie tv's) based in the UK.  When I look on the UK Samsung store on my F6500 I can't see the Twit app as being available although I do see Devorak's No Agenda app as being newly available.


Is anyone using it on their TV in the UK or is the twit app only available in the USA?

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Simple way: change the app store location of your TV to US. I've done this and can use Netflix, Amazon on Demand etc (with the right geolocation fixes) https://support.unlocator.com/customer/portal/articles/1244175-how-to-change-region-on-a-samsung-smart-tv


Complex way... If you want to keep your UK apps... (haven't tried this) : http://www.eyeondemand.com/2013/05/03/how-to-combine-multiple-country-apps-in-a-single-samsung-smart-hub/

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Thanks for the tips, love my uk apps (ie iplayer) too much to mess about with swapping to the UK store.  I've got a raspberry pi and an xbmc image which I may have another attempt at trying the twit app on (didn't get that working last time).  


If I have not luck then will give up and stick to watching live.twit.tv the odd occasion on my nexus 4

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