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"All of this leads me to think that e-readers are not doomed, but that they re going to cease to...

G+_Paul Fidalgo

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Originally shared by Paul Fidalgo


"All of this leads me to think that e-readers are not doomed, but that they’re going to cease to be an explosive category of mass market technology. Instead, I think we’ll see them continue to be honed and improved for a slightly niche market of frequent book consumers."


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I actually bought a tablet before my Kindle. My kindle purchase was for multiple reasons, one of which was the attraction of no distractions. No kids would be bugging me for it, since there are no games or YouTube on it, and I wouldn't worry about draining my battery on a long trip - like the 10-hour flights I had this summer. Because it was cheap, it was attractive to bring along on hikes and other less than optimal places for electronics. I could purchase almost 10 kindles for what my iPad cost me.

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