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What 's the best Android TWIT app? Any thoughts? Is there an "official " one that I should get?

G+_Seamus Lavery

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Sadly no official app :( and which app depends if you want.


If you're looking for podcatchers (to watch episodes later), there's roughly a bazillion of them. But i'm guessing since you specify TWiT you want live streaming & possibly IRC access.


I have yet to find anything that has both (video & IRC), but vplayer allows you to subscribe to the (live) hls/http stream as well as play video in the background as audio. There's a number of dedicated apps, but I was underwhelmed with any dedicated video app.


For audio, vplayer works too but there's also a good app...I think it's called 'twit live audio' which also has the daily calendar, which I find convenient.

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