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iSpy: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone Data

G+_Andy Gait

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iSpy: How the NSA Accesses Smartphone Data

The NSA has developed the ability to hack into iPhones, Android devices and BlackBerries, previously believed to be particularly secure.


"Who knew in 1984 that this would be Big Brother... ...and the zombies would be paying customers?"


In a secret presentation, the agency ironically uses an image from the iconic Apple Macintosh ad aired during 1984 Superbowl, which referenced the George Orwell book "1984."


A photo taken in January 2012 is especially risqué: It shows a former senior government official of a foreign country who, according to the NSA, is relaxing on his couch in front of a TV set and taking pictures of himself -- with his iPhone.


Still, the "location services" used by many iPhone apps, ranging from the camera to maps to Facebook, are useful to the NSA. In the US intelligence documents, the analysts note that the "convenience" for users ensures that most readily consent when applications ask them whether they can use their current location.


Read the full story: http://bit.ly/1eK5pTa

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