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There has been a lot said about Facebook 's What 'sApp purchase but I haven 't heard of the fo...

G+_Alasdair Graham

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There has been a lot said about Facebook's What'sApp purchase but I haven't heard of the following; firstly outside the US people are looking to unite behind a single texting platform where they know their friends reside, by making such a splash Facebook has announced they should look no further.


Secondly the real threat to the success of this endeavour is the lack of financial motivation of a US audience to get behind What'sApp. Elsewhere texting costs drive users to IP messaging but in the US, relative to income the cost of SMS is a non issue.


Finally there is no discussion about the revenue models around menu driven purchases such as fast food, dating communities, etc. all responsive to images and communication something that SMS was not designed for.


In my opinion this is a huge bet that has the potential to convert Facebook into the world's largest and potentially only communications company but to execute they must find a way to dominate the US market and that is not simple.

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