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I don 't see that anyone has posted this to TWIT Community yet:

G+_David Frink

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I don't see that anyone has posted this to TWIT Community yet:


Originally shared by John R. Ellis



Java Problem, again


Homeland Security says to disable Java.  Seriously.  Do it.




I used this link to see how to do it:




Apple has already disabled Java on updated Macs.  So has Mozilla for Firefox.  Please share this to anyone who uses other browsers before they get exploited!


#java   #zerodayexploits   #sharingiscaring  


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MARK THOMAS Please don't conflate the Oracle Java JRE with Javascript. The first is a specific version of a run-time for a programming language (Oracle Java) that must be installed on your machine. Javascript is a scripting language that is built into your browser. They are unfortunately similarly named, but they are not even close to the same thing. When there are exploits to javascript, it is usually specific to one browser maker's implementation (for example the IE javascript engine or the Firefox javascript engine). In this case, the vulnerability is with Oracle's Java (JRE) only.

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