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Do you think that Nilay Patel accused John C Dvorak of being a racist on this past TWiT?

G+_Dean Barnard

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Okay, at about the 35 minute mark the Beats Audio discussion begins. At about the 39 minute mark John's B.S. O'meter maxes out and he ask Nilay if he thinks he's a racist for not liking big cans.


Honestly Nilay made a big deal out of nothing in my opinion. John had a right to confront him about his comments.

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He did no such thing. He was saying that JCD not liking big headphones was just like anyone else not liking any other kind of fashion (making the point that people only wear them for the fashion, not the function). Maybe using baggy jeans was a bad example but he wasn't accusing anyone of anything. While we're on the subject, can anyone tell me ONE thing that JCD contributed to this episode (or any episode he's on, really)?

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Randy Strye John Dvorak has a personality you like, or in your case not like. Friendship is hard to come by for some more then for others.


I've understood John has been friends with Leo for over 30 years on and off the job. A friendship that long is hard to give up.


I've listened and watched John with the TWIT panel for close to 10 years now. I guess I became acustomed to John's crankiness over the years.


I also thought it was funny when he shared on TWIT why he earned a life-time ban from Apple Computers press shows. He wrote a headline article titled "Good Ridence" when Steve Jobs was fired from his own company.

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Nilay wasn't exactly accusing John of being racist, but during that whole segment he did say some silly things - for example that What's App will be on top still 30 years from now. Imagine all the people who in around said 2004 said that Blackberry would be on top still in 30 years. It sort of makes you want to write off most of what someone says when they make obviously silly long term statements like that.

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Lon Koenig I should Google it. But I'm curious what do you consider a troll Lon?


Without an answer, the more I think of it with JCD. His career has been about attracting readers with insendury headlines, sometimes just link bait.


A troll in my opinion is someone who concentrates on upsetting a group with hateful and hurtful statements and is unapologetic when confronted about it.


From experience with JCD when he disagrees with someone or gives a bad review, he does explain his position when asked why he feels that way.


I don't agree with John often on his views, but their are times he makes a valid point. A politician he is not, but he has a way to cut through the B.S. some times.

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Lon Koenig David Pick IMO a "troll" can be more broad than that. someone can be trolling by simply stating something they know will cause a ruckus. in that sense, JCD is a troll... furthermore, he only backs himself up with "it's a scam!"

EDIT also, i do understand what you mean about friendship. i would probably invite my annoying friend to do things with me regardless of what people think.. but my point still stands.

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JCD is very much a cranky old man at this point in life. I view him much like my own father. WAY past middle-aged and somewhat out of touch without being totally clueless. He often says things that are outrageous and misguided, but so do most old people (ie. Ask an 80+ year old American how they feel about Japanese made stuff. Answer won't be racist but sure won't be a shining review). Sorry John, don't mean to label you as 'old' but it illustrates the point.


That said, Nilay Patel did push John's buttons (on purpose from my observations). He is equally as opinionated, just more relevant in terms of current subject matter and discussions. His views on tech and life are significantly more limited that JCD's, by at least a couple decades I would guess.


Neither one was 'trolling' per say, just a couple strong opinions from two people with aggressive (or maybe abrasive) personalities.?

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Nilai is an arrogant pr*ck. He thinks the Verge has found the winning formula by not focusing on specs. Just an excuse to go on a love fest with Apple.


The Verge's own podcasts were so unbearable to watch with him and the now departed Joshua talking over each other. And yet Leo keep inviting him over to TWIT.


Yes and yes. Those can headphones are annoying as hell. Fits for Walkmans and cassette tapes. :)

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