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Posted this as a comment to the original posting on G+, but this seems to be a better spot for my...

G+_Gino Ferreri

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Posted this as a comment to the original posting on G+, but this seems to be a better spot for my reaction:


First off, Good luck to you +Tom Merritt on all your future endeavors, you are a class act! I was floored when I read this, and to a much larger extent than I would've imagined. To be frank I didn't watch TNT religiously but caught it from time to time, but I NEVER miss(ed) Framerate (being a fellow cord cutter it's a certain kind of awesome). So that being the only podcast weekly I would watch with Tom regularly in it I couldn't realize why this was getting to me so much.  Then it was obvious...he brings so much to each topic, like both sides of the story, expanded intellectual discussions, parallel metaphors, personal experience and wit and humor. On whatever show he is on or topic being discussed. What's not to like?! 


At the same time I will respect TWiT's/Leo's decision, but I don't have to like it.


I will follow you wherever you're broadcasting Tom, wherever that adventure takes you. #respect

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