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After enduring Leo Laporte 's 35 minutes of pessimism towards Google Glass on TWiG (not all unde...

G+_Raymond Johnson

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Robert Caraballo I think the idea here is that Google wants to push for a complete cloud experience: one where the browser and the web apps that run in it are powerful and can take advantage of high-end specs, and are really alll you need.


Not sure why the strategy to get these apps to exist (ie get developers cracking) would be to make a laptop that doesn't sell, though, instead of just communicating better with the developer community.


The Nexus One comparison is lacking too; that phone came out in an environment when high-end Android phones already existed...they (Google) just pushed the hardware a little further, but not any more than was expected to come from manufacturers over that year anyway. It certainly wasn't so much of a jump as to give developers an entire new world of freedom and possibilities, or whatever.?

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Lou Gagliardi if you are a iOS user check this app https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/vizzywig-video-camera/id434139679?mt=8 it auto switch between 3 iOS devices when you look at each camera and allows you to edit the video on any agle add title etc... 3 iPod touch with the 19.99$ app is less expensive and WAY more powerful...

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Robert Caraballo a Chromebook may not need a large hard drive because its apps and files are mostly in the cloud, but it still needs adequate resources to run the browser and browser app. I think the assumption, the bad branding, is that the browser and apps can't do much, and that's because, currently, they don't. What the video was getting at is that Google want people to develop better, more robust apps for Chrome, so that you can do WAY more than just surf the net (or feel like it anyway). Better browser apps require more resources.

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I just don't get why you would buy this over say any MacBook, Windows, or Linux laptop that's around the same price point and can run Chrome just fine. I guess the implication is that by getting the OS out of the way, the browser has more resources to itself? Soon, though, the browser is going to get as bulky as a traditional OS...I'd like to see how Google can prevent this, and maintain the real appeal of the Chrome OS: speed and simplicity.

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Lou Gagliardi I undersand your reasioning as to why the pixel may be adaquate for your needs, but what makes it better then traditional laptops? Everything mentioned can be done with other machines that are not nearly as restrictive as to what os they can run our what apps are available. I hope that some day I could buy a pixel and put Linux or win 8 on it but currently that support its not there. I just don't see the value proposition in buying such nice hardware with such limitations on the software. Even if people develop good photo editors or other good tools they won't be worth too much without local storage for the files. I know I couldnt fit my Lightroom library on there. I think what many of us are struggling with is we can't see how we could do what we do today on cheaper laptops.

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I'm resisting the deletion of some of the more recent comments, but I'd like to point out that little is gained when we start making the accusation, "Hey you! You have the wrong computing needs!" Furthermore, a successful product does not have to be something that everybody needs or wants. I think Google knows this, and they're adding the time dimension with the Pixel by using the phrase "for what's next" in their marketing. The Pixel represents the idea that some will want high-resolution displays, and/or touch screens, and/or cloud-based storage going forward. As a "for what's now" device, the Pixel makes sense for a small group - probably a very small group. As a "for what's next" device, Google's hoping the Pixel makes sense for a large enough group to sell devices profitably and enrich the Chrome OS ecosystem.

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Whew...the TWiT coverage of the Pixel wasn't too bad. Although, there was one person on IRC who DM'd me to tell me that "beyond search, everything Google has done has been a study in stupidity." I guess that means Android, Gmail, Data Liberation, Chrome, Maps, Summer of Code, and a lot of other things are stupid. I'm pretty sure that person won't be in the market for a Chromebook, and probably isn't a Google+ user!

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If I could mash my setup: GN2/BT keyboard and mouse/MHL adapter/HD screen all into a shiny aluminium box, I think I would have (almost) a chromebook, but one that takes calls. I think google should have just made Android run on a bigger/better box than a Galaxy tab or phablet or whatever it is now. That would be truly remarkable.

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