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listening to another Dvorak-heavy TWIT Looks like he saved another one

G+_william reynolds

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I'm glad John C. Dvorak does try to bring a level of healthy skepticism of what media says in general. Its one of the things that brought me to No Agenda years ago. I just wish Leo Laporte and the other hosts were more open minded. I know its a tech podcast, but there should be a deconstruction of the tech news, which John brings. Its unfortunate he is made to look like the crazy old uncle.

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From the other side, I was grateful to Jason (and Leo, even) for getting the show back on track. 


Personally, I'm not a fan of his schtick. It's certainly not a real deconstruction of the news and a far cry from anything close to substantive discussion of current events, let alone politics. It's button pushing for button pushing's sake, and it bogs the show down into AM radio territory.


I prefer his insights into food and wine personally;-)

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No, not really. Leo isn't as consistent or obnoxious about it, and his 'shock jock' bit had a fairly short run, probably because he's gotten a decent amount of flak for it and because it's not really who he is, certainly not as an on-air persona.


He dives into it more consistently on iPad Today, but iPad Today sort of has its own goofy, weird thing going on.

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