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So is it true? I heard John C Dvorak say on No Agenda that Leo banned him from appearing on TWIT

G+_Ronald Wolf

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I lost track lol. Someone said that Leo and Jeff Jarvis were idiots for falling for the Texas clock bomb hoax. Then John got involved somehow. Then Leo told him not to come back. Then John got pissed and wrote some huge expose on TWiT. It was something stupid that spiraled out of control.

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Looking at the Twitter feed... Leo essentially said John wasn't adding anything to the discussion, taking things off the main point, and playing around too much (e.g. w/ Leo's phones).


As one who used to read Dvorak back in the day (20 years ago). Yeah he's been phoning it in for a while. He might be o.k. in person, but as a tech guy he's been out of it for a while. Also when he's on I think Leo and the moderators get tired of having to ban/moderate the No Agenda fans that show up and de-rail the chat room, but that's just a guess. 

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A few years ago when phones and other handhelds began to dominate the conversation the amount of new and interesting things they discuss dropped of significantly. The minutiae of details are covered in the array of specific programs. TWIT was always a more general freewheeling show. Once or twice a month John provided much needed humor. Leo seems to be having trouble getting over himself with all the success. The other guests are more on top of the trends but more and more are dreary geek types. The kind of guests are rarely like the ones that were on the first episodes. 

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