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I would like to hear about how this group handles backing up your data

G+_Mike Buchanan

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I would like to hear about how this group handles backing up your data.  My issue is this.  I have about 300 GB of software, movies, music and files to keep backed up [currently on a WHS].  I currently use carbonite however beyond backing up documents, this option is really not practical because trying to backup movies and software carbonite begins to throttle my uploads and frankly it takes way to long to back that stuff up.  I also use an external drive as a 3rd copy however I like the idea of having all of my data in the cloud for easy access but I am also concerned about data security since I would be backing up financial documents and tax documents.  I was curious as to how this group handles backups.  I have looked at Amazon S3 and Glacier.

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Time Machine, Disk Cloning and a 3TB disk that gets the day's deltas copied off to it every day. I  used online back ups for 3 years but in the end, it's too much trouble on the uploading side with the very large  files we have now with HD movies, podcasts, 7 GB ISOs and more.

I use drop box for small files that I need access to regardless of where I am and I use Evernote to put notes/papers/scans etc into the cloud for access.

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My setup involves two laptops, a NAS (WD My book Live) and 2 hard drives and Microsoft Sync Toy. I run my sync toy folder pairs once a week to keep the two laptops and NAS in sync. I also have folder pairs set up for the external hard drives which I run around once a month. One of the hard drives is always at my brother's house which is in another city.


The above setup is primarily for photos, videos and music and older documents. For the past couple of years, any documents I have created has been saved to my Dropbox folder so that it is always in sync.

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