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Check out @leolaporte 's Tweet: https: twitter com leolaporte status 648513185922678784?s 09

G+_Mark Swaim

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Peter Phillips? I think he did. As Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ?? has tried to point out. It hasn't just been Leo, but everybody involved with TWIT that has had to deal with horrendous trolls who are producers(fans) of No Agenda for over 2 years now.


I believe that constant conflict Leo has dealt with came to an agrevated plateau this last Saturday.


Leo could have done what he did with more calm offline. But he maybe without thinking it through, decided to see who gave a damn if John is no longer involved with TWIT.


Maybe it was enlightening to see not just trolls upset by Leo's decision. ?

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This all seems a bit silly. Leo does know that this is the same Dvorak who had a show called "Cranky Geeks," right? And Dvorak was called the "head crank" on the show because that's his shtick. For anyone to kick a head crank off of anything for being cranky is silly unless they've lived in an isolated box the last 30 years.


Besides, he has great barbecuing tips about matching food to types of wood chips so leave him alone.


So let's review. Arrington, Calacanis, Merrit, and now Dvorak? Methinks a pattern doth emerge. You could imagine these names as a presorted, sliding scale of irritativeness, culminating in a long-time friend.  Is Leo becoming that corporate guy he has always despised? 

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At the risk of jumping into something and making it worse...


This isn't a TV drama. This isn't a cause. It's not a philosophical stand or a victory for one side or another. -- This is two men who have been friends for more than three decades, who feel hurt.


 -- I know many folks won't listen, but I'd really love for everybody to take a deep breath, step back, and let these two work it out without us pouring more fuel on the fire. 



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David Pick Okay that makes sense from one angle but on the other hand, everyone on TWiT for the most part used to interact with early adopting fans like ordinary users in the early days of Twitter and Google Buzz and that continued into Google+. Then a few years ago, they all took a step back more or less in unison (by agreement obviously) and became more like typical, out-of-touch celebrities, most of whom never respond to anything ever. 


Rumors abounded during the time that they stuck their heads in the sand, that the trolling had reached a level where they simply had no choice--especially for the females, who always get the worst of it. That being said, it's part of the landscape of this business unfortunately.


Make no mistakes, Dvorak has dealt with more than his share of trolls since the early PC Mag days and Leo knows that. If anything, it should make him more sympathetic to what John goes through rather than to direct his frustration at John instead of the trolls. I'm sure they worked it out eventually. 

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I'm sorry but John C hasn't been relevant in the tech community since he started doing NA. Everything is a conspiracy theory with him and from catching up on this story I'm not sorry to see him go from TWIT cause his opinions arent his own. He used to give insightful feedback now its just idiotic nonsense which leaves me sometimes wondering about why hes on the show where as most times if hes on ill just skip that episode  

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