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Leo Will you please SHUT UP during the live events!

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Donald E. Riley Are you not familiar with the format? This is how all the live events are handled. You must be new cause only that kind of newbie would make such an ignorant statement. A bit rude in your request toning it down might get you a better understanding of how things work in this community.

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Black Merc I guess they could live stream two audio channels tracks....the first one (didn't want to say FAP) would be the event's audio and the SAP would be the commentary.


(that way users could decide if they wanted to listen to the commentary or not).


Now the real trick would be how to co-mingle the two streams so they could be listened to at the same time (perhaps the client's browser or video player could play both simultaneously, but it will depend on if that feature is available).

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Donald E. Riley if you don't want the commentary then why are you watching the twit commentary on the google announcement? Seriously they say "if you want to watch without the commentary watch Google's/Apple's/Windows/ or who evers, live feed." Every single time, even on the promos they say that.

If you watched the twit feed, then you wanted the commentary. End of story.

Your making a troll post.

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Black Merc why not then just watch the stream from Google first, then watch the twit commentary version afterwards?

Remember for these live stream commentary shows, they have to schedule them right at the time that the original stream is going on. Then don't have time to watch it twice.

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William L. DeRieux IV sarcastically they allready are left and right.... I personally get ALL my tech news from TWiT (they are my funel), why go anywhere else? I can pull all the shows in mp3 form and selectively pull video for hk and other shows that seeing products and demos are required.

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Ben Reese I don't believe that those rules allow re-broadcasting of the stream [in its entirety] at all (for any purpose, even with added content).


You would be creating a derivative of the copyrighted content and if that is allowed -- it would depend on the license it was originally placed under. (This would not apply if permission was granted by the copyright holder to re-broadcast and they allow you to modify the content)


For instance: Rebroadcasting youtube content



Section 5. Your Use of Content part (B):


You shall not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit any Content for any other purposes without the prior written consent of YouTube or the respective licensors of the Content.


TWIT does re-broadcast YouTube content in some of the podcasts and if they didn't get permission to do so first, then they are violating the YouTube TOS and/or the license the content is placed under.


(this would also cover derivative works....ie adding commentary to the stream)


Given all of that junk....people still do what they want and the only time they get into trouble is if YouTube gets involved and/or the copyright holder files a complaint.

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I enjoyed the TWIT Live session and the TWIT coverage enhanced it (mostly).

I chose Leo/TWIT to watch along with as I enjoy his company, like his humour and the occasional insight/reference.

Sometimes they clashed with/spoke over the original source - of course! that's the nature of these things.


What is effing ridiculous is to choose to watch a TWIT LIVE, then complain about the format of the thing you chose to watch.


I ask again, is the original poster simply troling (picking that photo suggests he is one of those Leo haters)

or simply stupid?


If troll - then I am guilty of feeding him I guess?

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Donald E. Riley it’s not polite and nice to be rude, Leo has his own style like everyone and we should learn to be diverse enough to accept it. If you don’t like it then you should have the ability to “move on” - being rude is not demonstrating your maturity. Anyway - I personally enjoy Leo’s podcast and wish him to be at his best and original.

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