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I 'm guessing the Tech news today community is blocking people that say anything not positive ab...

G+_Kenneth Shields

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Joel Coulson I agree.  The amount of hate and multiple posts is starting to turn me off from this community.  I really don't need to see 10+ hate posts a day.  Guys it's been a few weeks.  They haven't changed their minds and clearly aren't going to.  So I suggest you move on or simply find some other show to watch.  If you loved the old TNT Tom is still doing his style of it.  Go watch it and quit bitching.  

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Jeff Caudill the contents in this community have been civil - unhappy but civil. You could call the criticism harsh if you mean it's harsh to call someone dull. But some people in this community view any negative comment as trolling when in reality people are venting because we lost something that was a big part of our lives.

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That's a shame. I'm been listening since the very start and my one bit of feedback isto not have Mike front of camera - we need a more vibrant host and have Mike behind the scenes. At the moment I'm not seeing a huge departure from the old show which had better chemistry and host. Early days I guess but long term my view is that Mike needs to find a better host for the show. This may be the case, he may just be covering until they find one?

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I wonder where you will go for your tech news if not TWiT? I'm in the UK and would like a local alternative. I still listen to TWiT shows (SN, Google, Android, TWIT and TNT). I agree that TNT is not as vibrant and I miss it. I think it says most that the thing I like most about the new show is that it is short! I've tried the Verge  a year or so ago so may try them again. Any ideas welcome.

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I don't think it is in lock down at all. I do imagine that unhelpful, repetitive comments and trolling are probably (rightly) being blocked. If your comment was simply what you said it was, it wasn't really helpful (nothing constructive there) so it probably did get removed. I know I have personally made several constructive criticism posts / comments that have not been removed and Mike Elgan seems to be working on implementing some of them (and getting progressively better as a host I might add). If we add something constructive to the mix, and are generally helpful instead of just bashing people we aren't going to be blocked or censored.

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