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I just finished listening to Sunday 's show and I have to disagree with Leo and Nick Bilton that...

G+_Greg Mcverry

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I just finished listening to Sunday's show and I have to disagree with Leo and Nick Bilton that Twitter is broken.


Maybe its because I am a nobody so I don't have my mentions column flooded with hundreds of vitriolic tweets. That @mentions seemed to be the biggest complaint.


Sure we have gotten to only write four words because of a long canoe but these conversations can be enlightening while teaching lessons in brevity.


Maybe its because I am an educator and we just use Twitter differently. I have around 15-20 hashtags I follow in Tweetdeck and there are hundreds of weekly education related chats that occur on Twitter.


Many use a Q and A approach and others just a flood of tweets. Both work and have great value to teachers.


It might be a mob mentality but its a helpful mob. 


If I could do one thing better I would curate lists of some  authors I love to read though I am really old fashion and use an RSS reader to accomplish this task.


I just do not see Twitter being broken.

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Oh that I do not dispute. +Nick Bilton is great. The show was informative and I do have a hard time explaining Twitter to new teachers. I introduce it to ll my students and few take it up. In terms it takes multiple se we all have a soft spot. On a personal note, and at risk of being a cliche, I have a soft spot for the Natalie Morris and/or Jolie's "ahh don't mind my crazy old uncle routine" they get going with JCD. 

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