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I 've listened to every episode of This Week in Tech (over 11 years)

G+_Sid Goswami

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I've listened to every episode of This Week in Tech (over 11 years).

Fifty minutes into today's episode I had to stop, delete it and unsubscribe. Enough is enough.

My prediction for the future: In 12 months, Apple will still be the largest company in the world again making record profits. Leo and Jason Calacanis will still be masturbating to the sound of their own voices.

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I am not sure what the problem is you are having with TWiT. It's discussion about the week's Tech news.

There are a lot of things said, where they feel Apple has shown slowing sales, and what is more worrying is that for the first time it seemed their core fans are unhappy with what they showed. There are also a lot of contradictory things said - they want Apple to innovate, be the old company making these exceptional game-changing device, but only make small changes to the Macbook Pro, please.

You feel that Apple will make record profits in the next 12 months, but do not explain why.

Anyway, still not sure why you were so disgusted with this week's TWiT.

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I know a number of Apple customers who really do love apple over anything a pc can do. But are not so fan person that they just go gaga over everything. And one of the most hardcore, was really pissed at what they did to the new mac book pro. And this is a man who has used them for design and photo work for years and is now teaching both at the college level. I use a mac at home along with a pc and I support macs and pcs at work. And from what apple showed this last conference.. not impressed at all.

Then again I was only mildly impressed with the new version of Windows 10 coming out as well.

As it seems to be both Apple and Microsoft are forgetting a institutional/company IT level can't just adopt new coolness overnight.

Add in that both companies are now basically stealing from each other instead of innovating.. might as well be looking into something else.

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Firstly, Josh Frye, I am not a Mac user but I was waiting for this update to see whether I should give them a try. However, here in England, Apple have taken advantage of the drop in the pound and these laptops are prohibitively expensive for me. Microsoft's take on computing is looking more attractive and exciting.


Secondly, there is a lot to discuss here, and there seems to be some uncertainty which is why the OP's annoyance at this section of the podcast confuses me.

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Damian Mongru


Friend of mine on your side of the pond was pulling the trigger on a mac purchase as they closed the store before the recent announcement. Sadly he felt the same pain you mention, he could no longer afford to buy one.

And Jonathan (on the panel) brought up that Microsoft and Apple will be making a lot of money every year because of the services they have. Also Apple makes a lot of money from all the apps sold on the app store.

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I've been a fan of TWIT and before that Revenge of the Screensavers for 11 years.Yes I have skipped episodes.Not unpurpose.Sometimes I just need a break from TWIT.Yes,I've been disgusted by Leo and guest host drooling over Apple products.


However,as I'm not paying for episodes.I don't feel I need to say crude remarks to Leo and guest if I don't quite have the love for Apple they do.

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