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Do not Track Setting in Google Chrome


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Do not Track Setting in Google Chrome


In the last This Week in Tech Show Leo Laporte and other mentioned that Google wouldn't have a "Do not track" option in it's browser, but it exists. 


Chrome Desktop for Windows (and I guess Mac as well) has this option in its privacy settings, at least in the latest Beta I'm using. 

Even the Android Version of Google Chrome has this option in its settings. 


I'll never use this, because I want that companies like Google can provide me a better service like Leo already mentioned, but Google gives the user the option. 

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IE10 did the right thing, instead of making the whole concept a sham by making it opt-out for the trackers by default instead of favoring the actual user.


That supposed middle-ground setting was BS from the get-go -- it left users tracked by default because the trackers can do what they want at that point, and they will do what profits them.

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Scott Bonner the trackers Can do what they want anyway, since do not track is completely voluntary. Dnt does not provide any actual protection from bad actors, it is merely a statement of preference. So having it on by default means that there is no statement of preference. That why the advertising industry ignores dnt signals from IE10

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