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Toys can t make happiness, but the things with which you surround yourself (and choose not to) ca...

G+_Paul Fidalgo

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Originally shared by Paul Fidalgo


Toys can’t make happiness, but the things with which you surround yourself (and choose not to) can be steps on the way to peace. But being a little more on the outside of the Apple universe (or, at least, traveling between it and other worlds), it becomes clear that the desire for this kind of peace-through-objects can itself be a source of stress. 


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As someone with a long history of using Apple products in a variety of contexts I can testify that I am not fussy and my workspace is miles away from spartan or clean. I have been known to clean my keyboard but the space around me is a clutter worthy of an intervention.


I have known some people who are very fussy about their audio systems and their CD collection. It might just be a projection and not a true corellation.


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