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So Leo says no one uses google+ well is he right?

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I understand what they're saying, but I just feel that they concentrate on the negative side of everything tech including G+. Why would new users want to join with a recommendation such as 'we do it for the SEO'. However, the fact that no-one has +1'ed you, or left a comment in 15 minutes is not a good sign :-) Oh, I see 8 people were commenting when I was, but you get the point.

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I like it as it is. I have my ACTUAL friends on here, and I have made some actual nice acquaintances that I can categorize.  I like how only the people I want to see something sees that something.  Maybe its a ghost town because people share with only those they want to. It's a ghost town because you have to actually SEARCH for people that have something to say and NOT just posting a picture of a sun rise with some BS quote on it, or someone screaming how much they FUCKING love science because of a photo of the moon.


This place is far more interesting and personable then Facebook ever is. All I ever see on facebook is flame wars and fighting over politics and religion. The hell with that.


Maybe Leo should friend Chris Pirillo  and see how a former co-worker makes G+ work for him in a community.

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He always says that... Its because he and almost all of the digerati don't understand it... He doesn't engage, nor do most of them... They drop things off like they would with Facebook and Twitter and expect us to jump all over it... He never replies to people or even gives it a fair shake...


G+ is not Facebook

G+ is not Twitter


Its only as good as the effort you put into it, which for him is nearly zero. I can't blame him, he has a company to run, and his network produces most of the podcasts I listen to, but in this case he is wrong. Its not dead and far from it. I get more from my 14k followers here than I've ever gotten from any network I've been on. The discussions and interaction may be lower in volume but the quality is a thousand times better.


The 'social media experts' don't like it here because its not about advertising or blabbing about what you had for lunch. If you just post links to your podcast episodes nobody is going to care. To be honest I don't think even Google understands what it's built here, which is likely part of the problem...


Is there a solution? I don't know... With G+ taking constant hits from the tech pundits who barely use it, the skittish Facebook masses who don't even like Facebook but use it because they have to in order to stay in touch with people, and Google themselves not really describing it well enough I just don't know...


But ghost town it ain't...

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The thing is that G+, at least for me, has never been about connecting with friends... The analogy I use is this;


Twitter is Primary/Middle School... Lots of noise like a schoolyard but very effective for live/in the moment stuff.


Facebook is High School... Its a place filled with the people you've grown up with and are related to... Very good for keeping in touch with local gossip and family members...


Google+ is College... That scary place you go to to learn and meet new people who share similar interests...


Sure thats oversimplified but I think it conveys the different vibes...

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Charlie Hoover I love the way you think about G+. That's exactly how I see it. I have no personal friends on G+ nor do I want any. This is not the place for baby pictures, or information about where I am eating, or telling family my aunt Millie just passed away. That's what Facebook is for.


G+ is for where like minded individuals get together to rant,complain  brag,teach, or inform other like minded individuals. About what we love. Movies, TV, tech, cars, photography, cooking or bacon.


I may be the only one but my friends and family are not interesting people online. This is not my fault. I love to be around them in person but online they are just not that interesting for the most part.


The fact is that G+ will never have Facebook like numbers. No one on G+ should want that. Google should be smart enough to realize that. The most common of people are not the ones that any of us will communicate with. That's why we come here. The engagement here is just as it should be. Interesting, funny, intelligent, and sometimes fascinating.


If G+ is the home for the tech literate, well so be it. I don't see that as a bad thing. If the nerds/geeks/whatever are taking over the world I want to travel along.

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