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I spent hours sometimes too many hours online this was the very first time I spent a solid 24 hrs...

G+_Todd Cooper

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I spent hours sometimes too many hours online this was the very first time I spent a solid 24 hrs. Watching TWIT.

 Leo the TWIT staff, hosts, and guests did a phenomenal Job, This production we witnessed was pure dedication and love for tech and the tech community. That my friends was pure raw in your face geek entertainment. Brian Brushwood Justin Robert Young and Wil harris took it over the top for me. Steve Gibson what more can I say the man showed his dedication and support to his good friend Leo and the entire TWIT community. And how about all the people from around the world who joined in to ring in the new year via Skype not to mention “The Chat Room” the heart and soul of the TWIT community I for one have high hopes for the upcoming year for TWIT. We have got to do this again and make it better each year Happy New Year to all

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I agree. I watched 18 hours. Will Harris was the downer for me. Brian and Justin were ok towards the end though when they were all chatting.

Steve Gibson was up there with Leo though, and was amazing. TWiT needs to use him more.

The dedication to Leo, Lisa and TWiT was overwhelming from the staff too. They all looked a bit done in at the end though.

I can't wait till next year!

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I enjoyed what I watched.  I got back from the local shrine at about 1:00 am JST and watched until the next count down.  The stream was good at that point.  But the bandwidth got really bad as the show progressed to the Eastern US, and everyone (the stream) was repeating the same thing three times on the TWit app or there were large silent zones on the UStream feed.


I've been watching more segments on the re-run stream without any problems.  To be honest, there were some technical problems, but  all in all, a great show.

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