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something is not right somebody is surely dropping the ball here no co-hosts in studio? last we...

G+_Todd Cooper

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I agree with this a bit. The show was going great last week with Tonya, Mike & Sarah but now a show with just Mike isnt the best.

I don't think it's Mikes fault, he's just doing his job but I think its Leo or Lisa making these decisions and their not great. I'm not trying to be trollish but I'm just speaking my opinion. TWiT is turning into a wanna be big news channel. I didn't like Mike at the start but I've grown to like him as a host but this whole Mike being the only host on TNT is bad. TN2 is fine with Sarah on her own because its a short show but TNT will get too boring when its just mike for 35mins?.

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I think the problem is the objective of making TWiT, or at least parts of it, a news channel.  It's generally not news because there is nothing new about it. It's the same stuff scraped from the internet like everywhere else.  I want the TNT show to be infotainment.  On a related note, LL has made it clear that he would like everyone to tune into the stream in real time.  I don't have the luxury to do that.  One of the reasons I like these podcasts is the flexibility to listen in whole or part where and when I choose.  I only look at the video podcasts on a few occasions and never in real time.

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Mike Elgan Mike I watch with the hope of improvement TNT was in desperate need of change when Leo announced you were joining the TWIT family I was super excited looking forward To what you had to offer. Last week was absolutely spot on and enjoyable I felt the show found it's groove (IMO) changing the format every week hurts more than helps and by doing so I was under the impression you were looking for feedback good or bad.Please do not take my comments personal there is no intention of hurting you personally I respect you immensely. I am honored and grateful that you responded. I can assure you this will be the last time you read anything negative from me.Please accept my apology if I have upset or offended you in any way.

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I like many things I like the Twit network that is my tech feed of choice. I respect the efforts and hard work of the Twit employees. I also dislike things that are just personal preferences of mine. I have opinions and openly share them good and bad. When I am wrong I have no problem saying so. I have been a fan starting from The tech TV days until present. Leo is my tech hero I can't put it any better than that.

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Change is hard, period. Mike Elgan and Leo Laporte are trying to transform TWiT into something that doesn't exist in tech podcasts, a destination for original reporting. A change this drastic will be painful and bloody in the short term but both Mike and Leo have decades of experience in journalism and reporting so I know in the long term they'll make the new TNT a success. I do miss the round table nature of TNT as the conversation added to the story. Mike Elgan if I may add one constructive criticism, if you watch Leo Laporte or Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ interview people, they have a more emotional connection with the person and it makes the conversation less stilted. Good luck, Mike, I'm rooting for you.

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"Change is hard, period. +Mike Elgan and +Leo Laporte are trying to transform TWiT into something that doesn't exist in tech podcasts, a destination for original reporting."


Okay, admittedly I'm not a broadcast person or even a journalist, but this seems strange to me.  Back when I was doing IT I was heavy into RSS feeds and podcasts, not to get things first, but to get them in an easily-digestible format.  I like podcasts because I can listen to them while I'm driving, while I'm doing chores around the house, and so on.  It's not unusual for, say, All About Android to download on my phone, and for me to listen to it as much as a couple of days later.  Are they doing this for the people who are grabbing the TNT feeds live?  Because that's not how podcasts are usually consumed imho...people I know who listen to podcasts do so because it gives them on-demand audio, without having to stream it, when they want it.  I tuned in to TWiT for the commentary; I get the headlines and breathless enthusiasm from places like The Verge; I get the jaded reasons why stuff won't work from TWiT, and the TWiT crew is usually right. ;-)


I know I've complained about how some of the shows had just turned into drunken yelling fests, but honestly?  All I thought they really needed was a little more professionalism.  Maybe I'm alone in this.

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