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Re:TWiT this week

G+_kevin jones

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Re:TWiT this week

Far too much stock is put in human drivers.


There are two variables you control, steering and speed. You use them in response to traction conditions you can't feel but mostly make an educated guess at, visible distance between you and other objects on the road and meta information like speed limits.


An automated driver has direct sensors on traction, IR vision capable of seeing ice vs water vs oil, sees through fog and knows the handling characteristics of your vehicle down to minute imperceptible detail as well as far faster reflexes than a human.


Why would construction zone - a slow speed limit with cones and potentially slow moving obstacles, or anything else be considered complicated if not for human psychology? We hate construction zones because they break our routine by slowing us down and making us watch the road but the computer doesn't mind slowing down and it never thinks about anything but the road anyway.

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