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Isn 't that story about an 11 year old brewing beer in space a hoax? Dozens of news organizat...

G+_Steve C

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Isn't that story about an 11 year old brewing beer in space a hoax? Dozens of news organizations seem to have been taken in by the story about an 11 year old from Colorado who proposed that astronauts should brew beer in space to purify water or make an antiseptic for wounds.  He seems to have pulled off a big scam on people who should know better since brewing beer doesn't purify water, boiling does, and if they want alcohol to purify wounds they can just use alcohol instead of waiting weeks for beer to brew.  One report said it was to test how micro-organisms do in weightlessness which sounds more reasonable but I think that's already been done.  They all seemed to have missed the big story which is how an 11 year old managed to find a way to get beer for him and his friends!  Either way TNT should start doing some investigating instead of just reporting rumors from other sites as if it's all true.

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Ahh, don't you boil water to brew beer? And it was really about finding a way to purify water that was inspired by the kid hearing about how in the olden days people would drink beer because it was purer than the water.


You know this sounds strangely like the actual words out of Tom Merritt 's mouth... strange it was like I was actually listening to what was being said.


Ohh and no one said that the 11 year old was a astronaut.. since it was the astronauts brewing beer..

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Well you lost even being a interesting troll as you can't even check the home brewing sites to see yes there is boiling involved in brewing beer. It is not all cold brewed as you say in your post. Without evidence mind you.

So  here is the first eveidnece that yes there are times and way to brew beer were boiling water is needed.  http://homebrew.stackexchange.com/questions/212/tap-water-safe-to-use-without-boiling


If you do a google search you can find lots of links like this and also.. who said the kid was brewing the beer by himself.. who said he could even get all the equipment to do it with himself.


But as I said this is just a troll post not a actual discussion post.

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So in other words.. beer is only coors cold brew? And there is no other beer but coors? Why don't you get a life and stop thinking everything you see on tv is real life.

And if they showed him making it on tv.. did you ever stop to think that there are adults in the film crew? I mean what news agency has kids running a remote setup.

the world is not as black and white as you want to believe it is.

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