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Dvorak is back on TWiT today

G+_Urvin Kirindongo

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JCDs persistent negativity on any topic and sweeping dismissals might be entertaining in their delivery, and the reactions that they cause but this isn't WWE or Jerry Springer... It's supposed to be reasoned discussion of tech stories between people who have at least bothered to learn about the topics under discussion before passing judgement.

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re: "It's supposed to be reasoned discussion of tech stories"

Who set your expectations that way Gordon Smith ?

I think you may be out of touch. 

The character of a weekly TWIT show is quite changeable depending on the news and the participants. 

For me, that's part of the appeal.

Sometimes it's better than others.. but in general it's good value and worth a listen/watch.

You (and I, ,and all) are allowed to like/dislike guests and their points of view.. but don't confuse your tastes & assumptions with "how it is supposed to be".

Once you let that go... you'll be free to enjoy it :)

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