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Physical media purchase

G+_john ferris

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Physical media purchase

I was watching episode 487 12/7 and there was a discussion on DVD/Blue ray purchasing. I have to admit I am a "caveman"/and do purchase physical media. Why you ask... Well have a copy on my physical network ensures I will be able to watch it no matter what the state of the internet is.


If there should be caps, speed impact, or even bad thruput I still can see Christmas favorites, or if I am in the mood action flicks. I am not held hostage to other companies as to what, when and how I can watch a movie.


Just my .02 from a caveman.

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I do the same. It's not just because of the state of the Internet, it's because of the ridiculous deals studios have with distributors. All of a sudden, something you want to watch isn't on Netflix anymore or anywhere else online because a business deal expired. Or because I'm in Canada, the movie (or show) isn't available. Amazon (and discs) to the rescue. It's that or piracy, and I'd rather pay for content.

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