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I am really starting to dislike Leo and his constant interruptions

G+_john ferris

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I am really starting to dislike Leo and his constant interruptions. I am watching episode 532 with some awesome guests, but half way thru I am getting so upset at all the times Leo interrupts the guests. Liam brings up for discussion why Disney hasn't picked up on AR and Leo interrupts with the viewmaster. Ya, the view master is on spot with vr and AR but it would be nice to see Leo can respect the guest some.

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I agree with you john ferris, and would say this has been going on a lot more in the past year or so. His hearing problems notwithstanding he needs to calm down a bit and not bring out all the toys to distract with. Of course his people are his enablers because they handed him the toy right away.


I did feel the "Guillotine Simulator" episode 532 was one of the better ones I've watched in a long time. Both because the guests were fairly heavy hitters in the space, but that they were all in studio. They bounced off each other a whole lot more and they debated more quickly around such issues as whether Apple's own apps are meant to avoid getting in the way of the larger ecosystem or developers' profits.


I do have much more trouble with Leo's interruptions with Skype guests. The structure of the show shifts when he's alone at the table than when he's got lively and informed people on either side. Last week he let Georgia Dow have the floor a lot more than usual. This week I felt he let them have a fair amount of time, but I also agree what Iain might have told us about Disney would have been much more interesting than what ViewMaster offers.


When I finished watching (and it was the replay version) I felt like I had gotten a lot from it and had fun with it. Leo used to jump in to move the discussion forward. Lately it seems he's derailing the talk much more than he should. It's a tough call to make in the middle of a show and with your producer talking to you in your ear. This week's show gave me a lot to think about afterward. Which doesn't happen very often any more.


Someone, elsewhere in G+, was complaining that since the phone business has taken over we're not hearing much about "tech" and only getting a lot of talk about phone specs and camera features. I always felt TWiT was a show about the larger tech issues and not about the devices themselves. Ep 532 had a better balance toward the larger issues than I've seen in a very long time.



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