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Thinking about upgrading the SSD in my mini-PC and I wonder who makes the fastest consumer grade

G+_Charles Griffin

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Thinking about upgrading the SSD in my mini-PC and I wonder who makes the fastest consumer grade.  I have a Sandisk in it now, which is fast, but of course I want faster.  I really don't have many options to update the system, except for a faster drive.


I usually shop at Newegg and I'm thinking the Intel's might be the fastest.  Opinions?

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Nope. -- Higher-end SSDs read and write faster... but if you're not using SATA Rev 3, then you can't take advantage of the faster reads and writes.


As long as your existing SSD can read/write at 300MBps, it's as fast as it's going to get.


One thing you can do to speed up the drive is to run a "garbage collection" program on the drive, but otherwise... 

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Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ I actually have a couple of machines that are SATA revision 2 and neither scores as much 300MB/ps when tested with ATTO benchmark, not that I fully understand the test.  I am able to see that neither read nor write reaches 300 at any point in the test.  I was just thinking I can tweak these with better SSD's, but it sounds as if I'm wrong.

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John Valentine Well... it's hard to say "objectively" --- it depends on which metrics to weigh.


For example, the Samsung 850 Evo will average 487MBps Read / 396MBps write -- The Kingston HyperX Savage will average 496MBps read // 465MBps write.


On the other hand, the EVO will do 36.4MBps / 70.8MBps read//write at 4k, while the Savage will pull 23.9/64.5.


And on the OTHER, other hand, the Evo will do 369MBps mixed IO to the Savage's 460MBps, while it trounces the Kingston in 4K mixed IO (32.3MBps to 12.5MBps)


The TLDR version? -- The performance of the high-end SSDs from reputable manufacturers are with the margin of error within each other.

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