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So, what 's the big deal about a Chromecast and why do I want one?

G+_Charles Griffin

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Todd Gless you still have to download apps but notice my post didn't mention that. Lollipop downloads the apps automatically on both, but doesn't do the other things.


You still have to open each app and set it up including downloading music, logging in to apps like Facebook, Twitter, Pocket Casts, PushBullet; and even enabling settings in those apps like Universal Copy and Paste in PushBullet, Audio Effects in Pocket Casts, etc.


That doesn't even count setting up your homescreen (which can take an hour), securing with encryption and/or password, etc.


Now of course, this should be better with Marshmallow as it will also back up and restore app data meaning you would only have to set up apps that disable it and some device specific settings.

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Brandon Giesing? Yeah I would just take the added functionality of the Android stick but thats because it wouldn't take me but 10 mins to click each app and let it sync. I guess I take for granted that most people don't do all the things I would need out of an Android stick or TV or whatever. For me I'd spend more time trying to figure out how to bypass the restrictions set in place on one haha.


Didn't know Android M allows that though...good to know. I've been loving it on my N6 so far


So basically your Android TV connects to your phones WiFi to download your phones settings? Not sure I understand that part. Either w

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Todd Gless not the best way to describe but yes. Other apps and devices have support for Nearby like Pocket Casts to share Podcasts with your friends, Google's OnHub to set up your router, Google Tone to share Chrome tabs between devices, Chromecast's Guest mode, (rumored) Google Photos to share photos, and various other devs.

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Brandon Giesing? Chrome already syncs tabs across devices no? I wouldn't consider the onhub personally over something like a good asus router. Google photos already syncs everything to the cloud anyways. Can you still download an app like es file explorer to access network storage drives? Do you know by chance the link speed on the 5g wifi on Android TV?

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